Monday, June 23, 2014


The Honey Pie Mask!。◕ ‿ ◕。
Breaking news there is a organic and easier way to wash your face to get a softer cleaner look to it.
Hello my baby's of the night !
So I found another Venus angelic mask for your face named and it is suppose to kill black heads and pimples well I watched some other people try it and only do it once.╮(─▽─)╭
I figured I would try more then once .
Let me tell you it really does work my face felt amazing and did get rid of pimples and black heads.
The ingredients ! Whole wheat flour, Honey (─‿‿─) and lemon!
So the recipe calls for Five table spoons of flour i used regular flour.
Then 3 table spoons of honey and half a lemon! I used a whole lemon.
Be careful how much lemon you use because if your skin is more sensitive don't use a lot!
Then mix it really really good it will be very pasty so kinda apply it in circles .
Then let it sit for 30 mins ★~(◠ω⊙✿).
Then wash it off really really good then dry and put on a face lotion and your done!
Here is her video check her out and subscribe to her!
I have play list on my channel with other makeup and tutorials from other bloggers! HERE (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Thanks everyone! And big thank you to Venus angelic for making the video !
Try it out guys!
Thank you for reading!
PYON! Valentine out!

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