Friday, March 28, 2014

New wig !
Hey guys I bought a new wig from the store Spreepicky and its super cute I will be reviewing this product. SpreePicky is a rather popular on storenvy and has high quality products which I am happy to pay more for if I know its a good product ! I cant wait to review it and show it to you all !

Thanks guys !
Love Valentine DokiDoki

Thursday, March 13, 2014

(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) second review !

Help me pick!
Okay so here's the thing I have a wig I can review from a online store from storenvy. Or you can send me a link to a website your curious about and a product and depending on how much it is I can buy it review it and maybe even send it to you as a gift from me ! Or just but you a second one so I can keep the first (^ω^)but for me to do this you have to follow me on google send me a message and once the tumblr page is up you follow me. 
Second thing !
I'm thinking about doing a trading package deal for my first couple of followers so I can share the love of kawaii stuff because it's a good way to get on a one to one level with people ! Tell me if you like the idea !

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Contact lenses review! \(*0w0*)/

YOOOOOOO! Review timeeeee!!!

Alrighty guys so I bought these lenses on cyber monday and got like a super great deal. Lenses aren't cheap but there soooooo worth it. Theses are called Princess mimi apple green bambi series. They are the largest in size you can get but omg they are so comfy I forget I have them in after like 30 minutes which is a bonus!
So here are examples of what they look like in different lights.
The things that came with it !! It came with this cute little lenses case that i think is a piggy (0w0). Then i had some cheat codes lol that gave me a bonus gift!

Hair band aids lol they pull back your hair for when your doing your makeup or even putting in your lenses.
Like so they really do work guys I use them everyday :)
Okay soooo over all i highly recommend these circle lenses because they give me the big anime eye and dolly effect. Now for all you peepes that read this time for a special gift just for you BONUS CODES! to use on your purchase at pinky paradise which I will link at the end.
This should get you some little gift i used the first one . If i missed anything don't be afraid to ask !!
oh here are some other blogs you can check out as well!
I hope these girls don't mind me sending you guys to them they are great bloggers and are super beautiful and review a lot more items and have sponsor's.
website for lenses 

Sunday, March 9, 2014


So I am sorry its been a busy week but ! I will be post in my pinky paradise review of the lenses i bought. I can not wait I have been dying to post it I mean sadly I don't have anyone following my blog yet but hopefully once I start posting more people will start following me! \(oWo)/ love y'all
PYOOONNN! LOVE Valentine !